2 min readMay 27, 2024

Life rules.

Pict from twitter

Understanding these rules would make our life problems reduced 50%. I wish I knew these rules earlier.

  1. Students of knowledge do not let their emotions out to the world. If you are upset, you cry to your Lord. If you are upset, you speak to your teacher. If you are down, you fall into prostration (salah). If you are broken, you recite salawat upon the fixer of the souls. If you are sick of life, you send salutations upon the doctor of the hearts (Allah).
  2. If people mock you, you make du’a for them. If people hate you then you simply ignore them.
  3. If you feel low then you pray to the Most High. If the world turns against you, then you turn towards the Creator of the world.
  4. If you are angry, then you beg for Allah’s forgiveness. If you feel hatred overtaking your heart, you fall on your knees and pray for your enemies.
  5. If you feel unloved or rejected, pay attention to this: if you’re rejected, accept it. If you’re unloved, let go. If they choose someone or something over you, move on. Not everyone you love will stay. Not everyone you trust will be loyal. Do not care about losing people who don’t wanna be in our life anymore. We will still be fine even the one that we love leaves us alone. Give people time, give them space, don’t beg anyone to stay. What’s meant for you will always be yours. And what isn’t will not. Remember that some things have to end for better things to begin.
  6. You can feel it when someone is not being real with you, energy never lies. Always speak for you feel, and never be sorry for being real.
  7. You may not be able to control every situation and its outcome, but you can control your attitude and how you deal with it.
  8. Do good, and it will come back to you in unexpected ways.
  9. Do not follow the majority, follow the right way.
  10. Be happy with what you have, while working for what you want.

If you don’t heed this warning then you will drown in the world when hardship comes and you will be lowered in the sight of man. This dunya is a test. You have to keep moving. Don’t get caught up in the meaningless words of people. Stick to the truth. Stick to the sunnah. You are imitating the Prophet who was stoned in Thaif and still lifted up his hands and called out for their forgiveness. Lovers don’t complain, they take the pain. One day you shall carry the weight of this ummah in your back. Stay strong. We only show weakness to Allah.

— this writing is inspired by Muhammad Aslam (student in Syria) and Yasmin Mogahed’s instagram post.


A life-long learner. Associated with faith, knowledge, and wisdom.